Finding Peace, Comfort and Dessert ...

The Yoga Experience

~* disclaimer: Try to take a few classes at a studio/gym a month. Having someone else to guide you and correct you will be really helpful for building a home practice. Some postures can be difficult purely based on the picture, and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish with just a few little instructions or adjustments. Plus, its nice to be pampered by someone else! ;) *~

On Monday, Jan 31 I got to teach DH's Marine's for their PT session. It was a lot of fun and they were all pretty shocked at how much of a workout they got from a few Yoga "stretches" .. one of the Marines even joked to DH about doing Ballet next. (Ballet is no joke either, for those that don't know!) The trick to starting any new routine is to remember to breathe. You won't achieve balance if you are not breathing. You probably won't even make it into the next posture. The second most important thing is to have some fun. ;)

The focus of the class was shoulders/arms/chest. I wanted to give them a good feel for the uniqueness of Yoga, using muscles and doing postures/motions they may have already been familiar with while demonstrating how different it is from what they expect. This routine is sure to get the heat and breath flowing in you, it incorporates a few of my favorites and in the end you will feel just plain awesome (and maybe a little sore) all over!

Since this is my first post with a routine ... I'm not sure how I want to lay it out. So I'll start by just giving you a run down of the postures in sequence... and see how I feel about that tomorrow! ;)

We start with Sun Salute A:

Mountain Pose
Swan Dive/Forward bend
Half-forward bend --come half way up with a flat back, leading with the heart and shifting your gaze forward instead of down
Forward Bend
Knees/Chest/Chin or Low Push-up
Cobra -- roll your shoulders back and down away from your ears. It is more important to keep your scapula firm to the back than it is to press all the way up. Keep your elbows tucked close to the body.
Down Dog  -- hang out in DD for 5 breaths, remember to stay relaxed carrying NO tension in the neck.
Forward bend -- From DD, look between your hands and jump lightly, tucking the knees to the chest and floating-- Try not to make a sound when you land.
Reverse Swan Dive -- stretching your arms up over head
Mountain Pose

*Now, repeat this 3 times! Pause only slightly between Sun Salutes, the idea is to keep the heat generating in the body - it will help you get out all your stresses and fall softly into the present moment.

During the 3rd Sun Salute, we will add the following postures after Down Dog:

First, sweep your left leg up towards the ceiling and step through placing your left foot between your hands. On your breaths, move through:

Warrior I -- the back foot should be planted and angled about 45 degrees. Your forward leg should be bent, at a 90 degree angle from shin to thigh. Looking out over the bent leg you should see your big toe. Stretch your arms up overhead and embrace the strength in this hip opening posture.
Warrior II -- turn your hips and torso to face out from  your stance. Arms should be parallel to the ground, gaze is strong over the forward arm. Be open and fierce.
Reverse (or Dancing) Warrior-- sweep the back arm down the back leg, leaning back into a slight back bend, allowing your forward arm to be graceful and strong, arching over head.
Inside Lunge

*If you need a moment to rest, press up from the lunge into Down Dog, then drop your knees and sit back on your heels in Child's Pose. You can rest in Child's Pose at any point. 

Down Dog
Forward Bend
Reverse Swan Dive
Mountain Pose
              Now, repeat on the right side! From Mountain pose through the Warrior Sequence to Mountain pose again! 

** Remember to move with your breath. Never hold your breath!**

Mountain Pose - widen the stance so your feet are almost the mat's width apart.
Garland Pose - with a straight/flat back sink your torso between the knees.
Crane Pose -- place your knees into the armpits or on the highest part of the triceps. Start slowly bending the elbows, taking your weight onto your arms. Try just lifting one toe off the ground at a time. ;) Remember to keep your gaze about 45 degrees in front of you, not directly below you. This will help keep you from rolling forward. If you are afraid (BE COURAGEOUS!) put a pillow in front of you.
Plank - try moving from Crane to Plank by using abdominal strength to push your legs straight back.
Boat Pose -- jump through from Plank, landing gently with your rear near your hands. First, be balanced and tuck the knees close to the chest with your hands on your hamstrings. Then, straighten the legs followed by releasing your hold. Hold for 5 slow easy breaths. Try to smile!
Supine knees to Chest -- rock and roll from Boat to your back. Repeat Boat + Knees to Chest 3 times.
Fish Pose -- remind yourself to be gentle here. Tuck your arms, palm down, under the body. Press up onto your forearms, then let your head and neck relax with the top of your head on the floor. Point your toes, focus on keeping the feet on the mat and the legs strong. 
Seated Forward Bend -- hinge forward at the hips, in a nice wide stance.
Head to Knee -- again, hinge first at the hip, then stretch your arms out to reach your toes. Try to press your stomach to the thigh. 
Half Lord of the Fish -- start by tucking the right leg under, with the heal at the glut. Bring the left leg over the knee, planting th left foot to the outside of the right leg. *one leg will be on the ground, the other up, bent at the knee* Stretch up with the right hand, bringing it across the body hooking the elbow at the knee. Use this counter to open further into your twist. The left arm sweeps around and is planted, palm flat on the ground behind. Switch leg positions and repeat.
Plow Pose -- if you can not bring your legs all the way over head where your toes touch the ground, use a chair or move close to the wall for support.
Shoulder Stand/ Head Stand/ Legs up the Wall
Supine Twist -- laying flat on your back, bring the knees to the chest, the let them fall to the right side (then left) one stacked on top of the other. Stretch arms like a T and enjoy this lumbar twist. 
Savasana -- This is a really important posture. Please take 10 minutes for yourself here. 10 quiet minutes to relax, to let go, to feel the energy of the practice filling every space of your heart and soul. You deserve it! 


  1. I love the new background (if it's new :P).


  2. It is new! I updated it about 2 weeks ago! ;) Thanks!

  3. I will give this series a try ;) Thanks for the post!
